Helene the Fighting Machine!!!

Hope 4 Helene

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Linda, Tia and Lynn...

Ok Helene...I have reinvited these ladies to join the blog. They have to set up an account to blog-Google seems easiest!!! Hope it works!!!

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow!!!

been busy

When I feel better, I tend to over do things.....I have been pretty busy lately and forgot about the blog. Plus we are in baseball season....and the schedule is intense. The coach over scheduled games with the idea we would have a lot of rainouts this week and the only day off was Mon. with d/h on the weekends. I really like going to Tyler's games....and want to go to as many as I can.

I have chemo tomorrow and then the next Fri. The week I am off I will be getting a CAT scan to see if the tumors are shrinking and a port put in as my veins have taken a beating. Next Th. Denise and I are going to Rush for a second opinion. It took this long to get an appt. I just want to make sure I am on the right treaatment regime. I trust my oncologist and he even ecourages 2nd opinions.

Lisa G brought over a great meal on Sunday. Sunday seems to be my worst was nice to have a hot meal for Rob and Tyler. I seem to still have a appetite....I was hoping to lose a few pounds...and with a 3 pound bag of Robin Eggs from Tia and a ton of chocolate- that is just not happening!

I sm hoping to go to bunco tomorrow- I may need a little nappypoo....but it sure is nice to see friends and be normal (as normal as I cna be!)

I am grateful for the beautiful weather and for my family and friends. I need all the help I can to kick this cancer in the a_ _!

ps. Kim- how do people blog on this thing? My sister, Tia and Lynn want to write stuff- but can't figure it out. I think Linda wants to save her reputation....she thinks I write too many nice things about her!