Helene the Fighting Machine!!!

Hope 4 Helene

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Monday, May 24, 2010

Being a "blond"

Teri Goralski cracks me up!!!! I was out getting more medicine for my migraine and I got home and on the front porch a personaly made "HTFM" hat with a 2 foot long blond ponytail to attach to it!!!!! Now I can have a blond moment!!!! Watch out- I have a lot of blond moments (no meanness meant for any real or faux blonds out there!)

I had a visit from Kim today. She is my amigo from AZ who started this whole blog thing. Kim was in for her father-in-law's memorial service in Joliet. George- her husband understands our need to hook up once in awhile and she came to Plainfield. No Red Lobster this time...... Monday's and seafood????? Not happening. It waws just great catching up.

I am so excited about our trip to Sanibel!!!!! We have talked about a girl's trip for the last few years and now we are actually going!!!! I wish everyone I know could join us! A beach, a pool, is good!

Rest and Relaxation

Hi, Helene! I have been tuning into your blog the last few days to follow your saga. Your dog and then your health takes a turn for the worst. Well, at least you scored some narcotics! Seriously though, I hope things are on the up swing and I hope your trip is the pinnacle. Thanks for sharing your ups and downs on your blog. I know it beats repeating your story like a hundred times. Wishing you well and happy travels, - Teri