Helene the Fighting Machine!!!

Hope 4 Helene

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Friday, June 25, 2010


I's a no chemo Friday. YEAH!!!!!! I forget how wonderful it feels to not have to go get the poison dripped in to my body. I just want to feel normal again.

I had trouble blogging and honestly didn't feel much like typing this week. Thankfully Kim figured out how to get me back on. I finished radiation on Monday and with the chemo combo I really felt like sh_ _. I missed a dinner out with friends from work and struggled through work on Wed. It does not seem like the radiation worked as well as I was hoping. The pain near my upper spine is still there.... I have a CAT scan scheduled for Monday (so shake those rosary beads) and will get the results on Fri. July 2 when I see Dr. Kash.

PUPPY!!! Her official name is Mollie Jo. I really liked Lexie (Courtney Schmidt came up with that) but the boys liked Mollie Jo or MoJo. Teri G. got me started on MoJo which then became Mohamed Josephine.....but she is a Mollie. At 6 am I call her "Double D" for Devil Dog or as Denise said "Sybil Jo." However, no one sees her at 6 am but me. Oh no...when people see her she is the sweetest, cutest little puppy there is. She is usually very sweet. I got Tyler up this am to babysit her so I could sleep in. When I came down stairs he was wrapped in my pink and white polka dot blankie that Shea made for me and he was sound asleep. Mollie on the other hand was chewing on the blanket......those 14 year olds- they are all talk.

I am hoping to see Tyler play bb this weekend. I have missed so many games and that really pisses me off with this whole cancer thing. I like going to his games. He seems to understand, but I know it bothers him a little that I can't be there. When it is so bloody hot out- I can't be outside. Not too much shade at bb tournaments.

Keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming. Hopefully the CAT scan will show more shrinkage of tumors.

1 comment:

  1. Love MoJo!!!!!! I hope you got a picture of Tyler dog sitting while sleeping in the pink blanket.

    I don't have rosary beads, but I will keep on praying for you!!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily!!! Keep fighting HTFM!!!!!!!!


    BTW - I was thinking that you were enjoying the dog so much that you didn't want to write anything all week:-)
