Helene the Fighting Machine!!!

Hope 4 Helene

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sunday Brunch!

Jenn brought over homemade brunch this morning and can that girl cook! How she was able to bake an egg casserole, make sausage bread and fruit salad- get herself and her 2 year old daughter -Addy- ready and out of the house by 9:30 is amazing to me! Her daughter is too cute- little sandals withy tights on- too bad she wasn't my door prize!

Tyler didn't have to eat a poptart for breakfast! What a great way to start our day. The fresh fruit salad was my favorite and something I can eat throughout the day. My tongue is so sensitive and sore right now from the chemo.

Tyler's team is in the semi finals tonight in his tournament- all dependent on the weather. They won't be able to play the championship game until later next week-as the tournament is at a minor league ball park and is being used. I think I will again have to pass on this game- with the cold temp., wind and possible rain and this being a "crappy feeling" day- it's me and the Desperate Housewives.

I have a busy week or 2 scheduled....foot dr. Mon, Tues I go to Edward's for my port, work on Wed., Th a CAT scan and Friday I am taking Linda for her scoping in her throat. The roles are reversed! I get to be the one driving Miss Dasiy. AND NO CHEMO!!

The following week An MRI, Radiologist appt, and on the 7th I see the dr. for the results of all of the testing.....keep your fingers and toes crossed!

please keep a special "Jen" in your prayers, too. She is a student of mine and is in the hospital and may have to have surgery- again. She has battled spina bifida all her life and is a real trooper.


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you guys had a super breakfast! Hope Tyler's team is able to play tonight and win!!! You sure do have a busy couple of weeks, make sure you rest too.

